Direct 支持 Professional (Microcredential)

Short-term training at JCC to be a DSP

Jamestown 社区 College offers three Direct 支持 Professional microcredentials of training for new and 当前的 DSPs: DSP-1, DSP-2, 和DSP-3. Each microcredential qualifies for certification through the National Alliance of Direct 支持 Professionals (NADSP). You can register for one, two, or all three microcredentials without having to apply to JCC.

Direct support professionals help people with developmental and physical disabilities live full lives as part of their community. They advocate for their clients and assist with services like banking, 购物, 自我保健, and friendships. Direct support work demonstrates the principles of rights, 访问, 股本, and autonomy.

可用性 & 资金

  • DSP-1: Available online, plus 1 course hybrid
  • DSP-2: Available online or on campus
  • DSP-3: Available online or on campus

The Direct 支持 Professional microcredentials are free, including tuition, 费用, 书, course materials, and NADSP credentialing, for NYS residents through a partnership with the State University of New York (SUNY) and the NYS Office for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

You may also be eligible to earn $750 for completing each DSP microcredential.

Program pathway

培训 stacks through the three levels and counts toward JCC programs in:

Direct support professional skills

Through the program, you will:

  • Demonstrate the skills necessary to advance in a career as a Direct 支持 Professional.
  • Demonstrate understanding of a research- and science-based approach in supporting clients.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the ethics necessary to practice in this profession.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how the principles of rights, 访问, 股本, and autonomy apply to social justice action, 过去的, 当前的, 或未来.


DSP-1 | 1 Semester

Requirements Met

COH 1400: Fundamentals of Client Care


ENG 1510: English Composition I


HUS 1210: Introduction to Human Services

  • COH 1400: When you register, we’ll work with you to see if your work experience can count toward the on-campus course.

DSP-2 | 1 Semester

Requirements Met

HUS 1350: Crisis Intervention


HUS 1410: Generalist Practice Skills


PSY 1510: General Psychology


COH 2010: Direct 支持 Professional Internship II


DSP-3 | 1 Semester

Requirements Met

HUS 2230: Interviewing and Counseling


OTA 1520: Human Conditions Across the Lifespan


ANT 2550/SOC 2550: Introduction to Dis/Ability Studies


COH 1020: Direct 支持 Professional Internship